Why Clip?


A clean horse is a healthy horse.

It is truly impossible to keep a hairy horse clean when dirt and sweat build up under a thick coat. Mud, arena footing, and sweat build up under the hair on the horse’s legs. All of this can easily result in skin irritation or infection.

Keep your horse from a potentially dangerous chill.

Horses are really hard to get completely dry after they get sweaty from exercise and training. Blanketing a damp horse can result in the horse catching a chill. A clipped horse is easy to dry and easy to keep warm.

Ease of care.

We have all been there, at the end of the day after a great ride you are left with a hairy sweaty horse that may take hours to dry. Body clipping helps to keep the horse cooler while working, and therefore less sweaty. Cleaning your horse after winter or summer riding is much easier without all of that hair and sweat to deal with.

cushings disease or ppid.

Many horses with this disease grow thick coats that do not shed out in the summer. They often need to be clipped in the spring through the fall to help regulate their temperature.

temperature regulation while shipping.

Heading to Florida for the winter? Clip before you ship! The stress of shipping is hard enough on our horses without the added stress of getting hot. With a freshly clipped horse you can peel off the blankets as you start to get into warmer weather. It's always nice to have your horse walk off the trailer looking fabulous.

cometitive edge.

Stand out in the show ring with a well clipped horse. After clipping, horses are super easy get perfectly clean and really shiny.

they look amazing!

A freshly clipped horse looks and feels great. Why not look your best whether at home training or in the show ring?